Shorefront Journal
Uncovering stories is a part of Shorefront’s DNA

Shorefront Journal

Shorefront Journal is the official online publication of Shorefront. Occasional postings explore local Black history, work within Shorefront and welcomes contributing articles from the general public. The original journal began in 1999 as a printed quarterly. In 2012, the journal transitioned online with an annual printed version. Several issues of the original journal can be found at

For submissions: Send articles and supporting images for consideration to

Re-posting: Please cite “” when reposting any Shorefront media and publications originating from Shorefront Journal

Publications: Visit for all of Shorefront’s active publications through Shorefront Press.

In 1999, Shorefront Journal, in its original printed form, was released to meet the need of sharing these significant stories to the general public. Published quarterly, this informal journal gave voice to the many historical moments throughout the Northern suburbs of Chicago.

The journal also gave exposure to more than 60 contributing writers — students, professors, historians alike — and became a venue for writers to share their stories and skills.

Shorefront welcomes the work of novice and professional writers and will make every effort to assure timely consideration of submissions. CLICK HERE to submit.

From the Shorefront Archives #001

Everything is Intertwined: Archival Coincidence and Connectivity on the North Shore By: Dustin Witsman (BMRC Processing Intern) For the past two and a half months I’ve spent my days traveling North to Evanston’s Shorefront Legacy Center (via the ever-slowing CTA purple line). Started by Morris “Dino” Robinson, Jr. in his dining room in order to...

Jamaican Community of Chicago’s North Shore celebrates the island’s Golden Anniversary‏

by Petina Dixon-Jenkins — Sunday, August 5th, 2012 was a bright sunny afternoon in Evanston’s James Park. . . perfect temperature, light breeze, reggae music filling the air. Happy children run and play, older men play dominoes, food, fellowship and festivity in a sea of black, green and gold. . . the celebration of Jamaica’s...

Katy Walker’s Commitment to Youth

By Tracy Francis — Katy Walker, the sixth child born to Martha and Kenneth “Snucks” Walker, arrived on a chilly November day in the year 1948. A product of two successful entrepreneurs, it was inevitable that Katy would find success in her entrepreneurship just as her parents and grandparents, Martha and William Twiggs, did before...

More Than a Store — Fleming Grocery and Market

By Arlene Avery Burke — Fleming’s Grocery and Market, owned by John Fleming and Carrie B. Dent Fleming was the first black owned grocery store in Evanston, Illinois. Initially located at 1101 Clark in the 1920’s, it moved to 1723 Simpson in 1937. The store was located on a large plot of land that also...