Now. . .”Everybody Knows” Patti Drew. . .in “The Butler”
August 24, 2013
Patti Drew c1969
Patti Drew c1969. Shorefront archives.

—By Dino Robinson

Pretty little thing let me light your candle ‘cause baby I’m sure hard to handle now. . .

Patricia E. Drew belted out these lyrics for the song, “Hard to Handle,” in 1968 when she was 20 years old. . .with an attitude. Then, it just about summed up her lifestyle. Today, she is just trying to handle her life. After several years climbing the ladder in the world of music, she found out how fast life could tumble even for one with all of the talent in the world. However, local residents who knew her then, are rediscovering her voice in the new movie Lee Daniels’, The Butler starring Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey.

Born in Charleston, South Carolina, Patricia (Patti) lived part of her childhood in Nashville Tennessee before coming to Evanston with her parents and five sisters in 1956 to start a new life, part of which was for Patti and her sisters to obtain a better education. Her father worked for the city of Wilmette. Her mother worked as a domestic. Her mother’s job later proved to be a turning point in Patti’s life as well as the lives of her sisters.

Patti entered the sixth grade at Nichols Junior High her first year in Evanston and later went to ETHS. She held several jobs during her teen years. At 15, she earned $3.00 an hour folding towels at a local towel company. She baby-sat for the people her mother worked for, worked as a nurses’ aide at Presbyterian homes in Skokie, as a counter girl at a soda fountain shop, and other odd jobs.

Reflecting on her experience growing up in Evanston, Patti saw the city as one with a lot of prejudices: in the schools, work, and in general:

“People here were nice, nasty. If you could picture a person being nice but nasty to you at the same time. They would look at my parents, my sisters and me and say, how could you have money to buy stuff? How could you go into Weibolts and buy nice things? How dare you come into this store with your little Black girls and buy nice things. How dare you.”

“There were places in Evanston that Black people didn’t go. We just didn’t go. If we were not going to be treated nice, why go. You knew where to go, you knew what street to stay off of. You didn’t go into Skokie at all. One might be picked up by the police just for being there. I didn’t want to be treated badly. So we started going into the ‘Loop’.”

Patti’s family first attended Mt. Carmel Baptist church, then transferred their membership to Bethel A.M.E. Church, both in Evanston. “Every Sunday we had to go to church. If you didn’t go to church, you couldn’t go anywhere. We were involved in the choir, the youth choir, the adult choir, or the senior choir, and we went to a lot of youth-related functions.”

I’m so alive, cause you are near. . .

Growing up Patti says she wasn’t always the nice girl on the block. “We had a club called the Latin Ladies, the tough girls on the block. We wore black scarves tied around our head, black jeans and black shirts and we hung around a group of boys called the Latin Lovers. Of course my mom wouldn’t let me wear these clothes so, as teens do, we snuck the clothes out of the house and changed into them later. But in reality, I was a loner and did things on my own.”

Patti’s music interest started in church. Her grandmother in Tennessee had insisted that she and two of her sisters, Loraine and Erma, sing in the church. In Evanston, her paternal grandmother heard them singing and had them sing in her church. The girls would sing around the house and entertain their dad and guests with songs. Their mother found the opportunity to have the girls heard by a much bigger audience.

“My mother worked for a guy who was a distributor for Capitol Records,” Patti reminisced. “She happened to mention one day that she had three girls who could sing. By this time, we were popular in the church and they were always asking us to sing. My mother was asked to bring a tape for her employer to hear and to see what he could do.

The Drew-Vels (Patti, Erma and Lorraine) with Carlton Black
The Drew-Vels (Patti, Erma and Lorraine) with Carlton Black. Shorefront archives.

So we went there one day to have my mother’s employer, Maury Lathauwer, hear us, and leave a tape for him. He took the tape to producer Peter Wright. The tape had a song called, “Tell Him,” written by Evanstonian Carlton Black. Peter Wright liked it. They pressed it, and that’s how we got our start.”

The group became known as the Drew-vels and featured Carlton Black on many of the songs. Signed by Capitol records in 1964, they pressed six songs. One of the group’s first live performances was at the Regal Theater in Chicago. They also recorded two songs on the Quill label without Patti, while Patti recorded four songs on the same label as a solo act.

From 1967 to 1970, Patti Drew was a solo act on the Capitol Records label. Her sisters often sang backup. On one album, Fontella Bass (“Rescue Me”) was Patti’s backup singer. Patti recorded over 12 45’s and four albums, toured the U.S. and South America, appeared on  both Soul Train while it was still being filmed in Chicago, and on American Bandstand on September 7, 1968, where she sang “Working On A Groovy Thing”. Peter Wright became her agent and moved her onto the Playboy Club circuit for two years. Patti’s list of hits and her live performances had a loyal following in the early Soul Music movement. Critics raved about her powerful voice. “The album, “Working on a Groovy Thing,” was a hot record. The Fifth Dimension picked up the title song and adapted it to their style.”


Patti sang locally at the 1623 Club in Evanston, and at the PussyCat Lounge, the Backroom, the Caraville and several other spots around Chicago.

Then in 1971, the bottom fell out. “The culture of music performers at that time was fast, stressful and demanding,” Patti said, “and it was easy to get caught up in if you were not careful. I was supposed to perform with James Brown and meet with Hugh Heffner of Playboy who wanted me to pose and I missed them both because of my habit. . .By that time, it was either give up the drugs or the singing, and I was not strong enough at that time to give up the drugs. I was strung out. I ended up in rehab. Four months later, I came home. My singing career was over.”

Even though Patti has since been a subject in numerous articles and books like the Record Exchanger magazine and Doo-wop, The Chicago Scene, Patti’s desire to sing has all but left.

“When I got to that place where I just wanted to get high instead of doing my job, I knew it was over,” Patti said, “I just wanted to leave that life in the past. People are now coming to me saying that the oldies are coming back. No way, I won’t do it. It’s too much work. Plus, I don’t have the chops anymore. I had fun though. . .I had a lot of fun performing. I never thought I would end up with nothing.”


In the many interviews with Patti and I, she wanted her story to be a life lesson in that, no matter how successful you may be, bad decisions can quickly leave you with nothing. Patti did continue to sing at local engagements from time to time but retired completely by the mid 1980s. In April 2007, EMI Records released “The Best of Patti Drew, Working On A Groovy Thing.” Comprised of 22 tracks from her solo career and three tracks as part of the Drew-Vels – including both the original “Tell Him” and the re-recording as a solo artist. She does not receive any royalties for any of her work.

On the North Shore, Patti is the talk of the town as it was a pleasant surprise to hear her voice on the song, “Tell Him” written by Carlton Black, in Lee Daniels, The Butler. I spoke with Patti again on August 22, 2013 and she shared, “I plan on seeing the movie this weekend. . .”

Sources: “Everybody Knows” Patti Drew was first published in the printed version of Shorefront Journal, Volume 4, Number 3, 2003. Shorefront oral history tapes: Patti Drew, recorded January 2000 by Dino Robinson. Additional information originated through various informal conversations between Patti and Dino throughout the years. Photos from the Shorefront Legacy Center archives, music collection, Patti Drew. Top pull quote  from “Hard To Handle”. Second pull quote from “Working on a Groovy Thing”. Video © Dick Clark Productions, Inc.  17 second clip used with permission from a 30 second video provided by Dick Clark Productions, Inc. to Shorefront.

22 thoughts on “Now. . .”Everybody Knows” Patti Drew. . .in “The Butler”
  1. Melvyn Williams

    This article about Patti and the Druvels brings back some very fond memories. I was with the group at the recording studio when they recorded the hit “Tell Him” featuring Carlton Black as the bass singer. I was also in attendenance at their first performance at the Regal Theater in Chicago. Those were wonderful times and great memories.

    August 24, 2013 Reply
    • Kevin Johnson

      Where was that song recorded, I know her later stuff was done at Chess. Thanks, just a Chicago boy who will forever love soul music, especially Chicago Soul. Not the pop soul of Motown or the Southern Soul of Stax.

      November 27, 2013 Reply
      • shorefront journal

        Kevin, both versions of “Tell Him” (1963 and 1967) were recorded through Chess Records. Though from what both Carlton Black and Patti Drew told us, the 1963 version was done at Chess for Capitol. She also recorded on Quill and Innovation Records. In the movie, It was the 1967 version that was played.

        November 29, 2013 Reply
    • Bobby Williams

      Just wondering is there anyway I could write miss drew. To express my appreciation for a hard decision.
      Bobby Williams
      Cincinnati Ohio

      March 19, 2017 Reply
  2. Melvyn Williams

    Excellent article, Thanks   Melvyn Williams

    August 24, 2013 Reply
    • charles d price

      i agree,tell him was a big hit for patti drew but i felt she sung,the love a woman should give to a man better than anyone i heard so far. i loved it the first time i heard it and it still sound good.its my favorite among many songs by anyone.its time she gets credit for her contributions in the singing industry.

      August 15, 2017 Reply
  3. Charles L. Perry-Kelly of "The Naturals"

    Great article. I didn’t know at the time that when Carlton asked me if he could give the girls our song originally called, “Tell Her”, that they’d have a hit and look at what happened!! I’m glad though. Charles L. Perry-Kelly

    August 24, 2013 Reply
  4. Janet Alexander Davis

    Dino….in response to update of your original article about Patti Drew. Reading the article brings me back to earlier times in my life when Doo Wops were king in my group of friends…many minorities on a sunny Sunday afternoon riding along the famous outer drive along the shoreline of Lake Michigan with the Cool Jent, Herb Kent playing one of Patti’s hits “Grooving”….more memories of spending some time with Patti when she worked for a Resident of Over the Rainbow Association housing for those in need of a wheel chair for mobility. Patti was still a beautiful person now giving joy to others in a different way, many years after her life as a Singer/entertainer was over. Memories when I read the update that Patti plans to see the movie, ” The Butler”….I had those memories again while intently watching the credits flowing down and there was Patti Drew’s name as the singer of one of the songs presented…….I felt such Evanston pride as when the ETHS Wildcats won a crucial game……more memories of those times when so much talent was around and Patti, The Drew’s, Carlton and many others still shine in my book.

    Janet Alexander Davis
    Memories of Patti

    August 24, 2013 Reply
  5. Tonya Pertiller-Turner

    Patti was always a wonderful person. I appreciated the article. Sometimes Evanstonians don’t get the credit they deserve.

    August 26, 2013 Reply
  6. Cynthia Matthews

    Enjoyed the article, I remember hearing her songs on the radio, growing up in Evanston had it’s good points and bad points but overall I won’t change growing up in Evanston,a close knit Black community. The community where everyone knew you or knew a member of your family.

    September 2, 2013 Reply
  7. Carlton A. Black — Always Sheddin’ | Shorefront

    […] Black’s baritone voice became the iconic opener for that song. The lead singer of the DruVels, Patti Drew, later went solo on Capitol Records and produced four […]

    November 29, 2013 Reply
  8. Frank Charles Dodson

    I met Patti Drew at the Hollywood Playboy Club, through the then night manager Sherwood Dudley, when I was working there. She was a magnificent talent in my opinion, she was being billed as ‘Pretty Patti Drew’. Frank Charles Dodson, Author of ‘Wednesday’s Child’ Xlibris Publishers.

    February 1, 2014 Reply
    • Frank Charles Dodson

      If you see Actress Cynthia McWilliams of ‘Real Husbands ‘ Television fame today, you will see the exact duplicate of Patti Drew in the early seventies, both images exude women who are drop dead gorgeous. It just goes to show that life is not always kind to those who don’t take the best of care with themselves. I have been told that Ms. Drew lived a somewhat irresponsible lifestyle. I have known them both personally, yet briefly in my lifetime, what is more I fell in love with each of them, Capricorn women are enchanting to say the least !!! Frank Charles Dodson Author of ‘Wednesday’s Child’.

      July 21, 2018 Reply
  9. Jeff Galitz

    I played guitar on many of the Patti Drew sessions at Chess and did the appearances with the Drew Vels at the Regal in Chicago as well as the Pussycat in downtown Chicago. The original Tell Him was recorded at International Studios in Chicago and then Patti’s solo version at Chess.
    The three girls sang for a while with the band I was in and then later Patti stayed on as a single with us for a short time without her sisters, Mickey and Lorraine.
    After she moved to LA I totally lost track of her and to this day still don’t know her status.

    Really a great talent who had the opportunity but not the luck to really hit it big.if anyone knows the rest of the story about Patti please post.

    October 12, 2014 Reply
    • Valerie

      Patti I am wondering if you ever made it to Buffalo New York Pine Grill? Cause my uncle and aunt who frequently visited the Club later bought the 45 and when I would babysit there son I played Tell Him all night long.. Girl that was my song…still is. Thank you I love the article. I left B NY in early 70 but in Ca they still play Tell Him…love u

      May 31, 2015 Reply
  10. Joseph Durham

    She one of the best I loved all her songs. What is she doing to get what’s due to her. Do anyone care.

    September 14, 2015 Reply
  11. Joseph Durham

    She is not the only that happen to.there are a lot people like Patti.

    September 14, 2015 Reply
  12. John Nance

    When the people from Capitol Records first started trying to contact Patti about the movie they called me….I called her and she didn’t want to talk to them. Patti is our Queen of Soul. I remember how proud we were from someone from our community to actually make it…and we still are. Carlton Black and Donald “Duck” Pryor were 1st cousins. Duck was a bassist I was his guitar player when I was 15 which gave me direct access to all of the “grownfolks” as a child. I got to play behind Patti Drew and learned how to play from Carlton who wrote “Tell Him” played and sang on most of Patti’s tracks. We are all still very close today.

    December 7, 2015 Reply
  13. eric reed

    First of all thank you Dino and shorefront publications for the research and development of the magazine.
    Secondly I’d like to say thanks to everyone who has supported my mom’s music and career even after all these years…
    My mom lives with me and is doing very well.she has seen some of my musical escapades and seems to enjoy them. I’m so lucky to have been her son and have the history of music in my heart.
    I love you mom you will always be a star ???? to me. Blessings to you all.Eric L reed. Special thanks to my auntie for sharing these great pieces of our past and history in the music industry. Love you????????????????????

    December 8, 2015 Reply
    • shorefront journal

      Thanks for the note Eric! Tell your mom I said “Hi” and would love to hear from her soon!

      December 10, 2015 Reply
  14. Tell Him | NotionsCapital

    […] “Now. . .’Everybody Knows’ Patto Drew … in ‘The Butler,'” Dino Robinson, Shortfront Journal […]

    April 17, 2016 Reply
  15. Jeff Spector

    Thanks Dino for a very nice update on Patti. I met Patti when I was a room director at the San Francisco Playboy Club, about 1969. She was wonderful and we had a great time during her two week stay. The house trio was Al Plank, Puzzy Firth and Tom Reynolds. I’ve often thought about Patti over the years. Probably too much water under the bridge now, but please give her my very best wishes and love,
    Kind regards, Jeff Spector

    April 18, 2016 Reply
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